
I was born

Nothing would have been possible without this milestone of course. Am fortunate to be born in very supporting family with ambition. With my grandfather's vision, my grandmother's entrepreneurial spirit, my father's ambition and my mother's love, I am who I am today.

Turning point of my life

I joined one of the most prestigious institution of Pakistan. 5 years at this college, from age 13 to 18, I made lifelong friends, gained lifetime experience, got mentally stronger and prepared for the outside world.

Hello Progamming World

Although we got our first computer when I was six, it wasn't until my high schools during one of our computer labs when I was introduced to the world of programming.  Soon I was into computer hardware interface fascinated me. The code that I still proud of was in GW Basic to control series of LEDs using Parallel Port!

A crowdsource design platform

I co-founded my first startup called DesignedInSeconds while in high school. It was a crowdsource platform for graphic designer. It didn't take off because of the limited access to internet we had back in our high school.

Joined NUST for undergrad

I joined NUST to get my Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering. A roller coaster ride indeed. Learned from brilliant peers and professors and shared what I knew by conducting workshops.

Pakistan's first bike sharing app

It wasn't until my university days and long walks to and from my room (inside the campus) and my school when the memories of an automated bike rental system from Daejeon, South Korea came back. After alot of convincing we finally launched in 2017. 

A little bit of everything

Took up a cross-functional role at INNEXIV, a technology company that is building an Internet of Everything ecosystem. Worked with HR, operations, sales and finance teams to develop systems and guidelines for the growing team. Towards the end I took up the role of data analyst and worked with engineering to optimize algorithms.

Performance Marketing

Joined growth team of BYKEA, a growing bike ride-hailing, parcel delivery, mart purchase and payments app of Pakistan, with over 2 million users across three major cities of Pakistan. Worked on marketing pipeline automation, attribution and reporting.

Joined UCD

In pursuit of more knowledge I joined University College Dublin to pursue Masters in Electronic and Computer Engineering. Experience of the staff was off the roof. Diversity in culture with students from all over the world made it one of the best times.

Smart Buildings

Joined Wia as an Intern and now working full time as a backend engineer. At Wia we are on a mission to help building operators in providing safe a collaborative spaces.